Springtime Outdoor Protection

Spring is in full swing! The flowers are blooming and the grass is already a lush green. Rain arrives...sun shines...the cycle repeats. This transitional phase between winter and summer months gives us a chance to go outdoors and partake in our favorite activities, like fishing, gardening, hiking, and grilling. Though all the wonderful weather attracts something else: Bugs!

Don't just stand there, waving your hands. Fight back against the bugs! Tec Labs 10 Hour Insect Repellent provides all-out protection in its compact 2 oz spray bottle, because it contains the highest proportion of DEET available. The 100% DEET formula lasts over 10 hours with one application. It's scent free, so don't worry about smelling like a bad car air freshener! Plus, the 10 Hour Insect Repellent won't sweat off while you're active. The non-aerosol pump spray is versatile, fitting into any pocket, glove compartment or first aid kit. You will only need to apply once a day; one bottle will last about as long as 3 standard aerosol cans. This means you're protected while enjoying springtime and for the summer months to come. Tec Labs 100% DEET is a practical, yet effective solution to "what's bugging you". Along with other outdoor goodies, you can find a four pack on sale now at Warmers.com.


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