Meanwhile Spring Arrived
Leo Tolstoy, renowned author, beautifully embodies the long-awaited departure of winter when he states, “Spring is the time of plans and projects.” As we crawl from our cocoons and step out of doors, we are found with renewed inspiration to shake off the drab shadows of cold weather months. Springtime encourages us to revisit the overdue upkeep of homes; endless lawn and garden care; and saving a little cash with the occasional driveway car wash. For those of us with children, our calendars magically pencil themselves in with baseball, softball, and soccer games for every night of the week. We suddenly find ourselves in the organized chaos of spring!
Whether we participate in the countless activities that come with warmer months (or are just along to observe), we all need to keep cool. Magic Cool™ Bucket Hat is a classic style with a "cool" twist. It's a great way to stay chilly, as well as providing shade. The Bucket Hat provides a high-performance cooling cloth that can be used in any application where rapid cooling is desired. Magic Cool provides UPF 50+ UV Protection and the unique, hollow-fiber weave has high water absorption, retention, and wicking characteristics to maintain the cool temperature of the cloth.
To activate, it’s as simple as a flick of the wrist! All you have to do is wet with water, wring out the excess water, and wave the cloth in the air. Magic Cool will cool down rapidly and remain cool as long as the fabric is moist. It is renewable with any water source, making it simple for use while you are at the Little League field or out for a bike ride with the family. By utilizing Cool Comfort Technology™, it requires no refrigeration and contains a non-toxic, anti-microbial treatment to reduce odors.
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