It's A Heat Holder Celebration!

Let’s be real. 

It’s been cold this winter. Not just cold in the normal locations, mind you.
We’re talking snow in Texas, ice in Alabama and snowmen in the lawn of the Governor in South Carolina.

We know you’re not all sitting back in your chairs with a shocked expression, saying, “Wait…it’s been cold?!”

Yes, we know. It’s a given.

This being said, we want to extend a feature to you that will bring joy to the most important part of your body. Your toes.

Proven effective in sub-zero temperatures, our Heat Holder Thermal Socks are created with special insulating yarn and an innovative knitting technology to provide a level of warmth for your feet that is just enough to keep you comfortable without getting sweaty.

The interior of the socks are remarkably soft with a brushed material and provide a gentle grip to keep the socks comfortably in place while you are out to walk the dog or work on snow blowing your driveway.

The vision behind the creation of this ground breaking style is to insure that warmth is held close to the feet. The overall design of the sock is also noticeably thicker – with the combination of soft inside and the knitted outer layer. 

Featured in styles that range from Adult Original to two sizes for Children, you are sure to find something for anyone!

Stop by to check out the current availability we have to offer!
You won’t be disappointed!

Until Next Time, 
The Warmer Team


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